Since its establishment, LITEON's success has been founded on LITEON Beliefs, which are "Customer Satisfaction," "Execution," "Innovation," and "Integrity." It is the company's goal to differentiate itself from the competition by offering the best quality and by helping customers create opportunities and profits, thus making LITEON a sustainable and trustworthy company to shareholders, customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

Employees are LITEON's most important partners in achieving world-class excellence and sustainability, for they are the key that helps the company grow and improve. Hence, LITEON always works side by side with its employees on the path to realize its vision of achieving LITEON's core values and sustainable development.

LITEON set up the Human Rights Policy, and commit to protect the rights of all of its employees in the workplace. The company is constantly working to create a healthy workplace. It also complies with employment laws and international standards in all locations of operation, including giving employees the freedom of association and privacy while prohibiting all forms of forced labor, child labor, and discrimination.



LITEON's Employee Care Vision and Strategy

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Recruitment at LITEON always complies with local laws and RBA directives. Internal and external audits are performed, and the necessary due diligence reports are provided to stakeholders to ensure the company fulfills its corporate social responsibilities.
Such responsibilities include prohibition of child labor, forced labor, and having minors perform hazardous work. The discrimination free workplace policy is strictly enforced, and equal employment opportunities are given regardless of race, gender, religion, skin color, nationality, age, political affiliation, sexual orientation, pregnancy, mental/physical disability, and social background.

Talent cultivation
LITEON is committed to training and investing in talent and providing a complete career path and blueprint to help employees realize their full potential and satisfy their needs and goals along their individual career paths. The company is also committed to offering competitive compensation packages while accumulating skilled and experienced human capital for the company.

Protection of rights
LITEON respects the human rights of its employees. The company strengthens information security management systems and implements effective personal data and privacy protection. It also establishes guidelines and rules and utilizes two-way communication channels to effectively protect the rights of employees. LITEON supports its employees in organizing a union and respects their right to negotiate with the management.

A Healthy Workplace
LITEON builds the workplace on a safety culture that puts people first. The company makes an effort to provide and maintain a workplace that pays attention to the mental and physical health of employees. It is constantly pushing for employee care programs that contribute the mental and physical health of employees and reduce health and safety risks in the workplace. Various motivational events are organized to help employees bond and raise work morale so that they may enjoy a balanced, healthy and joyful work life.
All of LITEON's human resource policies have been based on "passionate, motivating, innovative, and growing", and are designed to give employees optimal care in work, life, and health. Treating every employee as the best partner, LITEON wishes to see employees enjoy their work and their goals are aligned to the company's to achieve greater success as well as a rewarding career.

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LITEON's Employee Care Vision and Strategy