Climate Governance

LITEON works actively to strengthen governance in sustainable development and a sustainable environment. LITEON established a Corporate Sustainability (CS) Committee directly under the Board of Directors. The CS Committee is chaired by the board chairman (the Chief Sustainability Officer) and is composed of five independent directors. It is in charge of setting annual CSR targets in terms of the economic, environmental, and social aspects of the business. Progress is monitored regularly to ensure LITEON's continuing advancement toward sustainability and fulfillment of short-, medium-, and long-term goals. The CS Committee meets at least twice a year in accordance with LITEON's "Corporate Sustainability Committee Charter", and regularly reports implementation plans and results to the Board of Directors. Under the CS Committee there are the Environmental Sustainability, Risk Management and Sustainable Product Design subcommittees to improve environmental management efficiency, develop low-carbon product and manage environmental risks and opportunities.

  • An Environmental Sustainability subcommittee which is led by the head of manufacturing, and is responsible for green operations at the plants, setting environmental targets, risk control, and the environmental target achievement survey. The environmental targets include energy-saving plans, GHG emissions, water-saving, waste reduction, etc. The subcommittee also analyzes the risks and opportunities from customers, local government and law enforcement.
  • Sustainable Product Design subcommittee which is led by the head of Research and Design is responsible for low-carbon design and development.
  • The Risk Management subcommittee which is led by the head of the operation identifies environmental risks and opportunities as one of the eight corporate risk management according to the significance rule. The Subcommittee tracks risks and opportunities of identification, impact assessment, and management indicators and reports to the CS Committee, Audit Committee and the board of Directors.


The Environmental Sustainability subcommittee which is led by the head of manufacturing, and is responsible for green operations at the plants, setting environmental targets, risk control, the environmental target achievement survey. The environmental targets include energy-saving plans, GHG emissions, water-saving, waste reduction, etc. The subcommittee also analyzes the risks and opportunities from customers, local government and law enforcement.

  • Environmental Governance and Strategy

    LITEON strives to improve corporate governance mechanisms in the company for better sustainable management. As the highest authority in LITEON's sustainable operation, the Corporate Sustainability Committee reports directly to the board of directors. In the environmental aspect, the Environmental Sustainability Sub-committee under the Corporate Sustainability Committee is chaired by the head of manufacturing and is responsible for green operations at the factories. The Green Design Sub-committee is chaired by the head of RD and is responsible for the design and development of low-carbon products. We aim to improve environmental management performance and risk management to achieve our environmental sustainability vision and to respond to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    We commit to adopting science-based targets (SBTs) to support the Paris Agreement goal of keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius. In 2019, our SBT target which to reduce carbon emission per unit of revenue by 39.3% by 2025 and to increase the energy conversion efficiency of our power supply products by 2% by 2023, was approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and allow LITEON to become the top 50 SBTi certified company in Asia and the second in Taiwan. We commit to support the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and follow the TCFD framework to disclose climate change information and related risks and opportunities. The commitment is made also in support of the Commit to Action campaign launched by the CDP and We Mean Business Coalition.

    "LITEON has always been concerned about the impact of products on environmental protection. It aims to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050 by introducing new materials such as third-generation semiconductors to improve product conversion efficiency, and using recycled materials to reduce electronic waste and product carbon emissions, " said Anson Chiu, President of LITEON. To fulfill our environmental commitment, LITEON adheres to the responsible production strategy in the Sustainability Strategy and Blueprint and develops environmental sustainability strategies around green operations and low carbon products. Meanwhile, LITEON continues to take actions on climate change and energy management, water resource management, waste recycling, and reuse, and green product design and management, to increase resource utilization efficiency, reduce the environmental impact of production activities, and build up LITEON's climate resilience and environmental sustainability. 

  • LITEON's Environmental Sustainable Road Map and Goal-Setting Plan

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  • SBT Pathway

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  • TCFD Climate-Related Financial Disclosure Executive Summary

    TCFD_4.png (403 KB)

  • Environmental Management Goals

    Latest Progress on Management Targets

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