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Lite-On Technology reported its global consolidated July revenue of NT$15.3bn. Digital Display, Power Supply, LED and Imaging products together totaled NT$12.7bn in July, sustaining at the 83% level of the total turnover.

Digital Displays, including CRT and LCD monitors, LCD TV and projectors, achieved NT$8.7bn and grew considerably at 25% MoM and 184% YoY.

Power Supply products created NT$1.7bn with 48% growth on a YoY basis where NB adaptor shipment continues to escalate, securing over 40% market share worldwide.

In terms of LED products, July revenue grew 64% YoY to another monthly record high of NT$781mn.

Imaging products in July garnered NT$1.5bn, up20% YoY.

Other products including PC systems, keyboards, networking equipment and wireless handsets totaled NT$2.7bn, growing 48% YoY, making up for 17% of Lite-On Technology’s July revenue.