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LITE-ON Technology Corporation (2301) is pleased to announce that it has been listed in both the "World Index" and the "Emerging Market Index" on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). This marks LITEON's 12th consecutive year of inclusion since 2011. The ranking demonstrates the company’s long-term efforts in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and its sustainable performance has been highly recognized internationally.


Tom Soong, Chairman, and Chief Sustainability Officer of LITEON stated that adhering to the vision of "Empowering a Green Future", LITEON is committed to becoming the best partner in the sustainable value chain. With "circular economy" as the core, LITEON developed low-carbon sustainable materials and high energy conversion efficiency products with suppliers and exerted its influence to lead the supply chain to conduct energy-saving examinations to strengthen green competitiveness. Collaboration and reciprocal are the core spirit of LITEON, we believe that, on the road to building green resilience, only win-win cooperation can create advantages for all, and we shall always move forward with our supplier partners together.


The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), issued by S&P Global, is one of the world's leading ESG performance rankings for publicly listed companies. The Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) is comprised of corporate leaders in global sustainability that represent the top 10% of the largest 3,000 companies in the S&P Global Broad Market Index based on long-term economic and ESG factors. According to 2022 CSA, LITEON is the only company to be selected as a constituent stock of both the "World Index" and "Emerging Market Index" in the global Computers & Peripherals and Office Electronics (THQ) industry. And got full marks in the five-question groups of "Materiality, Policy Influence, Human Capital Development, Innovation Management, Environmental & Social Reporting".


LITEON Technology has just been rated AA by Morgan Stanley (MSCI) ESG rating and selected as a constituent stock of the MSCI ESG Leaders Index for nine consecutive years since 2014. LITEON also rated as Prime status by the ISS ESG Rating, received the highest rating of "Leadership" in the Carbon Disclosure Supply Chain Engagement Rating (2021 CDP Supplier Engagement Rating, SER) for two consecutive years. In 2022 LITEON received the "Corporate Citizen Award" from CommonWealth Magazine for the 16 years in a row, and Corporate Sustainability Report Platinum Award, the Best Practice Awards of Climate Leadership, the Supply Chain Leadership Award in 2022 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA).