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Press Releases


Sales and Profits: Two Engines of Growth for 2008

Lite-On Technology (2301 TW) hosted their “2008 Lite-On Technology Get Together” this evening at Taipei’s World Trade Center Hall Two with over two thousand employees and over a hundred customers attending. The theme of the event was “Energetic, Enthusiastic, and Positive: the People at Lite-On”. Three major goals were also announced: concentrating on sales and profits as engines of growth, putting into practice an active corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, and becoming an enterprise that encourages lifestyles of health and sustainability (LOHAS) for employees.

In 2008 Lite-On will concentrate on sales and profits as two engines of growth, with a strategy that focuses on customer growth. This will provide even more momentum to Lite-On’s rapid growth.

This year CSR will become a key performance index (KPI) throughout the company. Lite-On will begin measuring actual execution and results. Last year Lite-On established a Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER) Committee with the expectation that CSER becomes a system and reaches throughout the organization.

Each year Lite-On announces the winners of Best Practices (BP) and Sigma 6, as the company continues to strengthen its quality control system. In the process it has established its own internal language for solving problems. The “2008 Lite-On Technology Get Together” included speeches, dinner, entertainment, a raffle with prizes and all told it was an enjoyable night for everyone.
