Employee Recruitment

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Employee Retention


LITEON offers a comprehensive range of training courses, compensation, and benefits to encourage employees to pursue self-improvement and achieve career growth. Job descriptions given during interviews will remain consistent after recruits report for work. Managers and human resources officers will also try to reduce new hire turnover by interviewing new employees to find out how they are settling into their positions. New employees will be given assistance in the form of education and training to help them fit into the corporate environment. When an employee resigns, the human resources department will conduct an interview and analyze key factors in retention and resignation to improve the retention rate.

In terms of compensation packages, LITEON has designed regular compensation reviews to ensure the company can retain talent while ensuring all employees receive above-average compensation. LITEON also encourages individual departments to implement reward programs to boost morale and improve business performance, creating a win-win situation.
In terms of talent management strategies, LITEON has implemented a human resources management blueprint and an education and training system to provide courses on core management competencies and essential professional skills. These programs are intended to broaden the horizon for employees, enhance management knowledge and skills for managers, develop a common management language, create a healthy corporate culture, and lay the foundation for sustainable development.

Guaranteed Salary

LITEON, regardless of where it operates, offers competitive compensation packages and conducts salary surveys each year to align salary levels with the current market and with the various economic indicators used in the analysis. As a means of attracting top talents, LITEON offers some of the best starting salary packages for new hires.

The remuneration policy for managers follows the LITEON Guidelines for Appointment and Dismissal of Managers and Remuneration. Remuneration is based on the average level of pay offered by competition for the same position, the authority and responsibility of the position, and the contribution to the company's business targets. In terms of justifying CEO compensation, the average pay ratio of top manager(CEO) to other employees is 266.1% in 2021.

Regular employee remuneration is determined according to the Remuneration Management Guidelines by education, knowledge and skills, seniority, and individual performance. In no way does gender play a part in these decisions. New employees are not given different starting salaries on the basis of their race, religion, political views, gender, marital status, or union association. LITEON regularly has third-party consulting firms perform remuneration reviews in order to understand current market standards and trends. LITEON devises the remuneration policy based on the following rules:


    • LITEON is aware of and complies with relevant local laws and regulations, strives to establish harmonious employer-employee relations within the scope of the law, and thereby promotes sustainable management.

    • LITEON invests continuously in employee benefits to meet the needs of our workforce, including work-life balance, health, and safety. Apart from wages and salaries, our employees receive various non-work-related allowances and benefits for themselves and their families. By utilizing the Anker Methodology and Fair Wage Network database, we have been assessing whether our employees receive a living wage since 2022 and are in the process of expanding this assessment to include our suppliers and contractors. In 2022, all of our operations, except for non-disclosing sites for confidentiality and GDPR compliance reasons, implemented a living wage. LITEON remains committed to providing its employees with fair compensation and a living wage.

    • In order to maintain competitiveness in the employment market, pay is set and adjusted in reflection of manpower supply and demand and the profitability of product lines.

    • To incentivize employees, the company strives to pay appropriate salaries reflecting the market value of professional functions, the contributions of employees, and the results of the performance management system.

    • Starting salaries offered to direct labor not only have to comply with local regulations, but are also competitive when compared to industry peers. Currently, LITEON's starting salary for direct labor is approximately 1.05 times the minimum wage in Taiwan, 1.28 times in Mainland China, 1.36 times in Thailand, 1.13 times in Vietnam, and 1.18 times in India.

The worldwide base gender pay gaps ratio by pay grade are shown in the table below:

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Compensation for overseas employees has been set at reasonable and competitive levels depending on local market conditions. Meanwhile, long-term and short-term bonuses are also offered as added incentives according to local regulations and industry practices. Overseas employees are covered by social insurance schemes as required by local regulations.


Employee Stock Ownership Trust Plan, Create a Mutually Beneficial Partnership

LITEON’s Taiwan region plant launched its "employee stock ownership trust" in September 2021, and has invited employees to become LITEON shareholders. Together for shared success: As soon as you join us as a partner, you are eligible to participate in our employee stock trust program Note. Taiwanese employees can choose to participate according to their intention. A fixed amount is allocated from the monthly salary of participants, and the Company will allocate a corresponding reward and deposit it into a special trust account. The trust allows employees the opportunity to share the operational results of the Company over the long term, accumulate wealth and create a mutually beneficial partnership.
Note: Direct employees who have completed one year of service will be eligible to join the employee stock trust program from the same month onward.



Pension Scheme

LITEON makes contributions to employees' pension funds according to local regulations, regardless of where it operates in the world. Today, 100% of its employees have joined a pension plan. In Taiwan, the pension policy complies with the Labor Standards Act where contributions are made regularly to employees' pension accounts; Employees in Mainland China are insured according to local regulations and the company makes full contributions to the pension plans to secure a comfortable lifestyle for retired employees. For employees in Thailand, companies establish pension policies and make employees' pension contributions in compliance with local regulations. The human resource department regularly reviews the list of soon-to-be-retiring employees, and will inquire about their plans for retirement and help them make career plans.

In Taiwan, employees' pension schemes are governed either by the Labor Standards Act (the old scheme) or the Labor Pension Act (the new scheme) of the Republic of China. Employees who came on board on or before June 30, 2005, are entitled to carry forward their years of service from the old scheme to the new scheme. Under the old scheme, the company contributes 2% of employees' monthly salaries into a pension account held with the Central Trust of China. This reserve has accumulated to NTD1.05 billion to date, and is fully funded to provide for employees' retirement needs. Under the new scheme, the company contributes 6% of employees' monthly salaries into their pension accounts. In addition to the monthly 6% contributions made by the employer, employees may also choose to contribute another 0%~6% of their salaries into their pension accounts.


Diverse Welfare Systems

In order to effectively promote the welfare measures of employees, we promote the needs of employees in various aspects such as work, life, safety and health, so that employees can receive salary and remuneration. In addition, employees receive a range of allowances and benefits for themselves and their families. These programs encourage employee loyalty to the Company and the Group. The company plans and provides a variety of welfare measures and physical and mental health promotion programs.

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Employee Turnover Rate

Caring Interviews to Enhance Retention Rates

LITEON ensures that the work matches the job description during interviews and that employees' work meets their supervisor's expectations through an evaluation mechanism once the probationary period is completed. Managers and human resources officers will also try to reduce new hire turnover by interviewing new employees to find how they settle into their positions. When an employee resigns, the human resources department will conduct an interview and analyze key factors in retention and resignation to improve the retention rate. In 2022, due to the upgrade of the intelligent production line and adjustment of the company's product line, LITEON's turnover rate mainly came from direct personnel (including production line operators and related production collaboration personnel), mainly from employees in Mainland China. In the future, we will integrate smart manufacturing and automated operations through digital intelligence development to replace the natural attrition of direct personnel and enhance the per capita output value, thus reducing the impact of personnel turnover.

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Gender-Friendly Work Environment

LITEON actively creates a gender-friendly workplace environment and achieves gender equality in the workplace. Employees are paid and promoted based on their education, experience, specialized knowledge, skills, seniority, and individual performance. In no way does gender play a part in these decisions. In addition, LITEON offers a variety of assistance to pregnant employees, including full-pay maternity check-up leave, nursing rooms, and Child-Care Long-Term Leave. We will also offer childcare subsidies after childbirth to create a more reassuring working environment for our female colleagues.


Breastfeeding Facilities
LITEON provides breastfeeding rooms for breastfeeding mothers in plants around Taiwan, to enable employees who need to breastfeed to balance work and family life, while protecting the health of mother and baby and increasing the breastfeeding rate, improving the health of children and infants, and providing a safe, private, hygienic, and comfortable breastfeeding environment. The breastfeeding rooms comply with establishment regulations, and the nurses at each plant carry out necessary safety management. Meanwhile, we use the experience questionnaire to understand the thoughts and opinions of employees, and adjust service quality according to their feedback.
  Child-Care Long-Term Leave
LITEON offers a variety of assistance to employees with childcare needs, such as the option to take extended leave, choose different career paths, and receive subsidies. A total of 33 employees applied for childcare long-term leave, and 61% of those who did come back to jobs in 2022. It shows that LITEON provides a good employee care mechanism so that employees with childcare needs can balance family and work.
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