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Lite-On Technology Corporation (originally Lite-On Electronics Inc, Silitek Corporation, Lite-On Technology Corp., GVC four companies) has highly developed 'synergy' and though under the international economic trough, the estimated combining revenue of Lite-On in October broke through 10 billion NTdollars.

Besides, adding the accounts of Lite-On IT Technology Company, the global corporati'n's sales revenue is up to 13.5 billion NT dollars with 8.3% increase in September and the accumulative total sale's revenues from January to October highly grew 51% than it did in the same period last year and set the best record again.

Since the cellular phone products have fast grown with the amount sales of the large-sized monitors and projectors, the corporate revenue of November can reach higher record.

Lite-On Electronics Inc .points out that the sale's revenue in October is 1.69 billion dollars setting the secondary high record raising 15% than last month, growing 11% than the same period last year and the accumulative total accounts from January to October grew 21%.

Especially, the sales of the power supply of notebook and of the SMD LED on the surface of mobile phone are increasing. Besides, the applying of Computer Displays and the Fiber Fused Coupler in recreation is also expanded.