Tom Soong, LITEON Chairman and the Chief Sustainability Officer 




A total of 8 million tons of plastic waste enter the ocean worldwide every year. There will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050. The UN has named plastic waste a global crisis second only to climate change. LITEON is rooted in Taiwan. Situated on the boundary between the world’s largest continent and the world’s largest ocean, LITEON follows responsible production as a corporate citizen committed to plastic reduction and marine conservation.


In support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG 14), LITEON launched a series of marine conservation themed activities in 2018 as the company's response to marine environment issues arising from the modern production and consumption patterns. These activities included promoting a marine waste based circular economy, launching a marine environment initiative, and utilizing core competencies for marine conservation. Over the past six years, LITEON volunteers connected with more than 100 communities, schools, government agencies, suppliers and customers and trained nearly 5,000 volunteers to engage in marine work. The company has also successfully assisted outlying islands and coastal areas in reducing and disposing Styrofoam on-site. Reprocessing technology is used to reshape the Styrofoam into low-carbon recycled materials for use in electronic products. LITEON's self-developed marine waste recycled plastic LGS-7505 obtained UL ECVP 2809 traceability validation and UL 746D recycled plastic performance certification yellow card, making it the first company in the world to obtain dual certification for Ocean Plastic (OP) traceability and performance.


In 2023, LITEON joined forces with the Society of Wilderness. President Anson Chiu personally led the company's senior executives to record the appearance of the north coast with 360 panoramic cameras. Through a collaborative approach, and by dividing the walk along the coast, they recorded the current state of Taiwan's coastline, establishing valuable landscape data. The company will integrate "social influence" into talent cultivation to inspire more colleagues to continue walking along Taiwan's coastline, creating the unique maritime impact of LITEON's talents.


Styrofoam Marine Waste Recycled Plastic Resin Development Project
  • Introduction
  • The Spring of Styrofoam
The Spring of Styrofoam

Quality and green coexist! LITEON's recycled ocean plastic has been awarded the world's first dual certification for traceability and performance recognition.


LITEON's self-developed recycled ocean plastic LGS-7505 has received dual certification for traceability and performance recognition, the UL ECVP 2809 and the UL 746D recycled plastic performance certification Yellow Card, making it the world's first enterprise to achieve such recognition for ocean plastic. The problem of marine waste seriously affects the earth's ecology yet is complex to solve. In recent years, many groups or companies have hoped to promote a circular economy by recycling ocean plastic. However, the long-term immersion of ocean plastic in seawater, attached to shells, sand, seaweed, and other impurities, not only increases the cost of recycling and production, but also poses a great challenge to its stability and durability after regeneration. Moreover, the recycling process of marine waste is complicated, leaving consumers who support sustainable circular economy at a loss to judge which materials truly come from marine waste.

LGS-7505 is LITEON's self-developed recycled ocean plastic, of which 75% of the material comes from recycled plastic, and 5% comes from recycled polystyrene foam jointly developed by LITEON and the supply chain. The recycling process of LGS-7505 has been verified layer by layer and passed the UL Environmental Claim Validation Procedure (UL ECVP) for recycling content and source verification. LGS-7505's transparent and reliable waste recovery mechanism reduces the carbon footprint by more than 60% compared with the general same-material plastic raw material, providing customers with a low-carbon sustainable material option. In addition to environmental protection, the LITEON team has overcome technical difficulties to make the quality of LGS-7505 almost the same as that of general raw materials. It is easy to form and can be used directly in the production process and in existing molds, significantly reducing the additional cost burden for customers choosing recycled plastic. Its excellent quality has also received UL Recycled Plastics Certification in Yellow Card for the quality performance of recycled plastic materials and components.

LITEON focuses on the environment and leverages innovation to propose sustainable solutions that combine quality, reliability, and environmental sustainability. It not only needs to be sustainable but also has high added value to drive the industry to construct the best model of circular economy together. As the world's first ocean plastic recycled plastic to receive dual certification, LGS-7505 has not only green competitiveness but also becomes a major assistance to customers when applying for important European and American electronic product environmental certifications such as EPEAT. 


記者會合影(左四至左六分別為台南市漁港所周瓈朝所長、宏恩集團洪哲耀執行長、光寶科技陳文銜處長).jpg (210 KB)


Ocean Waste Rebirth - The Spring of Styrofoam


The coastal areas of Tainan, Taiwan are a major location for farming oysters. Before the annual ban on shallow-sea raft-style oyster farming begins in July, fishermen collect the discarded polystyrene foam that was used as floats for oyster cultivation. The collected polystyrene foam, which is considered grade C quality and difficult to manage, results in around 20 tons of waste each year and is processed by the city government through commissioned vendors at a high cost of about 50,000 NTD per ton.


LITEON has long been concerned about ocean-related issues and has conducted in-depth research on marine waste materials. By using advanced plastic modification technology to transform the polystyrene foam waste into raw materials, LITEON has developed a circular economy product that creates another spring of life for discarded polystyrene foam, promoting the achievements of the marine circular economy. Starting in 2022, LITEON took the initiative to work with the Tainan City Government's Agriculture Bureau to solve the annual problem caused by marine waste. Collaborating with domestic plastic recycling company Hung En Plastic to jointly provide a solution for the recovery of marine waste plastic. This not only saves public funds but also solves the problem of marine plastic pollution, and contributes favorably to the social responsibility image of local businesses, creating a win-win situation.


LITEON has been working with supplier partners for many years. In addition to Tainan, it has also assisted coastal areas such as Kinmen, Matsu, Penghu, Hsinchu, and Taichung in solving marine waste problems. LITEON is currently planning to expand its efforts to more coastal areas. To reduce the cost and carbon footprint of transporting polystyrene foam waste, the company chooses to collaborate with local Tainan companies to transform this material, which is difficult to collect, costly to produce, and has poor commercial properties, into a new type of eco-friendly product that is welcomed by consumers and enables both recycling and reuse. The innovative approach helps turn marine waste into a reusable resource, which is considered a groundbreaking effort in the world.

  • LITEON's president leads senior executives in 360-degree panoramic photography to document Taiwan's coastline in shifts, a first for Taiwan's tech industry

    光寶科技總經理邱森彬與一階主管群輪流背負360度環景攝影進行海岸行腳與淨灘,於新北與基隆市交界處海岸合影.JPG (583 KB)


    Since mid-April, LITEON Collection, a unique corporate brand store designed with a distinctive integration of virtual and physical channels and centered on the concept of social good, has received widespread acclaim after opening. To continue promoting the concept of social good, LITEON is taking our efforts outdoors. In collaboration with the Society of Wilderness, the company aims to protect the precious island of Taiwan. Led by President Anson Chiu, senior executives walked along the rugged and diverse north coast, taking turns recording changes in Taiwan's coastal environment with 360-degree panoramic photography, becoming key contributors to civic science and environmental monitoring.


    "Altruism and social good are the core values that LITEON has always upheld. During this trip to the coast, all senior managers led by example and encouraged employees to take concrete actions for social participation." Anson Chiu, President of LITEON, stated that the sustainable development of enterprises should reduce their negative impact on the natural environment, people, and society. Finding a way to use innovative science and technology to pursue harmony and common good between people and the environment is the shared challenge we will face in the future.


    Rock climbing and trekking the north coast to use imaging technology in support of environmental civic science

    On May 6th, coinciding with the beginning of summer, Anson Chiu, President of LITEON, led all senior executives on a coastal hike. Undeterred by wind and sun, they walked approximately 4.2 kilometers from Dawulun in Waimushan, Keelung to Guihou Fishing Harbor in Wanli.


    The executives took turns carrying the specially developed camera backpack, which uses 360-degree panoramic photography technology to document the coastal conditions. They ventured into rocky and gravelly terrains inaccessible to vehicles, capturing difficult-to-obtain images. These images serve as the foundation for civic science in coastal environment monitoring.


    The documentation of Taiwan's coastlines using the 360-degree panoramic cameras serves as an "annual routine health checkup" for the coastal environment. The accumulated big data is used to establish an environmental baseline database. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the current state of the coast. If significant impacts are detected, immediate responses can be adopted. In addition, the data is provided to academic institutions and government agencies for research and decision-making.


    LITEON's self-developed app "Go Plogging" simultaneously helps record "waste collection" results

    In addition to recording 360-degree coastal images during this technological hike, LITEON's executives explored and developed a deeper understanding of Taiwan's coastal ecology through the Society of Wilderness’ commentary while collecting marine waste.


    In view of the fact that after waste is collected, it is difficult to generate and accumulate data, making it difficult to form the basis for understanding the environment. LITEON developed the app "Go Plogging" to quickly record the quantity and type of waste with digital tools. The term "Plogging" combines jogging with the Swedish word "plocka upp", meaning to pick up litter. It encourages people to help maintain the environment while exercising. This emerging eco-friendly activity is so popular that even the President of Iceland is an enthusiast.


    In addition to recording hiking/jogging paths, Go Plogging also allows users to record the amount of common street and coastal waste they collect along the way, so that once they finish exercising, a report card of environmental contribution will be generated. The app was also used to record the amount of marine waste collected during the coastal hike.


    LITEON has long been concerned with marine issues. In 2018, the company launched the "SEA HOPE" project. Through the collaboration between industry, government, and academia, LITEON initiated a series of beach cleaning activities and environmental education programs. By leveraging the power of corporate partnerships, we aim to address and improve coastal marine waste pollution. In addition to introducing the self-developed marine waste recycled plastic LGS-7505, the company obtained UL ECVP 2809 traceability validation and UL 746D recycled plastic performance certification yellow card, making it the first company in the world to obtain dual validation of both Ocean Plastic (OP) traceability and performance. In 2022, we went a step further and worked with civic groups to record technological hikes. The company continues to promote marine issues, and calls on all walks of life to pay attention to the impact of marine waste pollution on ecology.


  • The six major companies invite you to stand up for the sea on September 17!

    917國際淨灘日,光寶科技董事長宋明峰與總經理邱森彬與志工同仁合影.jpg (297 KB)


    Let’s stand up for the ocean together! The third Saturday of September each year is "International Coastal Cleanup Day", a significant global environmental event. This year, it falls on September 17. LITEON, which has long been dedicated to protecting the oceans, is further expanding its beach cleanup activities. For the first time, the company is rallying our sustainability partners, which include Advantech, Compal Electronics, Samsung, Nan Ya Plastics, and Nanya Technology. A total of six ocean-loving companies gathered at Xialiao Beach on the north coast to show their love for the Earth through beach cleanup actions.


    LITEON - Leading by example to promote a circular economy

    As typhoons pass through the area, all kinds of garbage accumulate on the beach, ranging from abandoned fishing nets to small Styrofoam debris, creating a truly shocking sight. Demonstrating the spirit of "leading by example", LITEON's Chairman and Chief Sustainability Officer, Tom Soong, along with President Anson Chiu, joined their colleagues in rolling up their sleeves and putting in the work. In just half a day, they collected numerous bags of beach trash. "We came together because of shared sustainability ideals and determination to protect the ocean!" Tom Soong, Chairman of LITEON, pointed out that the ocean plays an important role in balancing the climate, and garbage should not be its reward. In addition to energy conservation and carbon reduction in the manufacturing process and the creation of a green supply chain, the tech industry should also adopt a macro perspective, which includes environmental protection, biodiversity, and other factors, and implement actions together.


    In recent years, through the collaboration between industry, government, and academia, LITEON has launched a series of beach cleanup activities and environmental education programs. In particular, to target Styrofoam waste in the ocean, the company proposed a "circular economy" solution, reprocessing and reintegrating the waste into the production of electronic products. In 2021, LITEON's self-developed marine waste recycled plastic LGS-7505 obtained UL ECVP 2809 traceability validation and UL 746D recycled plastic performance certification yellow card, making it the first company in the world to obtain dual certification in Ocean Plastic (OP) traceability and performance.


    Compal Electronics - The small contributions of different groups can combine into a powerful force

    Since 2015, Compal Electronics has been focusing on marine waste issues. Over the years, they have consistently organized activities such as beach cleanups, crab conservation, and ecological tours, encouraging employee participation and enhancing their awareness and commitment to environmental protection. In addition to internal promotion, Compal also promotes relevant concepts to external suppliers. This time, it is promoting joint beach clean-up activities with like-minded companies. Qiu-Rui Wei, Senior Vice President of Compal Electronic’s Green Promotion Group, stated: "Joint beach cleaning activities can expand social influence and integrate the power of the value chain. I am very happy we are able to gather such a group. Our small contributions will accumulate into a powerful force. Let’s work together for sustainability!"


    Samsung - Galaxy for the Planet

    Samsung adheres to the "Galaxy for the Planet" vision of sustainable development for mobile devices. Samsung reduces its impact on the environment through green actions while creating innovative products. In 2022, Samsung upcycled discarded fishing nets in the ocean and transformed them into new raw materials for manufacturing Galaxy devices. 90% of the Galaxy devices launched last year contained environmentally friendly materials such as recycled fishing nets, post-consumer recycled materials, or bio-resin. In addition to integrating the concept of sustainability into product design, enthusiastic volunteers from Samsung Taiwan also took action and joined the beach cleanup operation to protect the beautiful coast together.


    Nanya Technology - Maintaining the beautiful coastlines is our duty

    Chih-Hsiang Wu, Vice President of Nanya Technology, stated, "Taiwan is surrounded by beautiful coastlines, and no place in Taiwan is more than 100 kilometers from the sea. It is our duty to protect the magnificent coastlines!” Therefore, on the third weekend of September each year, during "International Coastal Cleanup Day", Nanya Technology rallies its employees to join in beach cleanup efforts. It not only aims to encourage employees to reduce the use of single-use plastic products but also hopes to raise public awareness about marine waste issues.


    Promulgating "Protecting the Ocean" from bottom to top to bring sustainability closer to the ocean

    Furthermore, to raise awareness of “Protecting the Ocean” from the bottom up and make the ocean more relevant to daily life, the coastal cleanup event this year included "Marine Life Parent-Child Classroom", which allowed volunteers and their children to jointly learn about the coastal ecological environment. After the beach cleaning, a "Sustainable Seafood Luncheon" was held. The practice of protecting the ocean started from the dining table, and it also gave colleagues who love the sea a fun weekend of enjoying seafood. Sustainable development is not achieved overnight. It requires continuous effort and collaboration. LITEON and our corporate partners are responding to the UN’s SDG 14, "Life Below Water", with concrete actions. We aim to create a ripple effect in society and bring us closer to sustainable oceans.


    同仁以人龍方式傳遞淨灘撿拾的廢棄物.jpg (218 KB)