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Sensor Solution

LITE-ON designs a high accuracy sensor solution for smart home & building IoT application

Air Quality Sensor

Sensors that detect the level of PM2.5 air pollution in urban areas allowing officials to take appropriate measures to maintain good air quality.

Temperature and Humidity

Sensors that detect the temperature and humidity to improve the quality of life.

Soil moisture

Sensor that detects the micro-climate in terms of dirt moisture level is used to maximize the production of fruits and vegetables and prevent fungus and other microbial contaminants.

Street and Sewer Flooding

Street and sewer level flood sensors detect water levels and blockages. When problems occur, safety alerts are sent out to inform citizens and city officials.

Street and Sewer Flooding

Street and sewer level flood sensors detect water levels and blockages. When problems occur, safety alerts are sent out to inform citizens and city officials.
