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                                    LITEON SDGs Award

The 2020 LITEON SDGs Award encouraged innovation and sustainability Integration

To seek opportunities in sustainability development and acknowledging the item "application and innovation" in the LITEON Sustainability Blueprint, LITEON re-optimized the preexisting CSER Awards and organized the brand-new SDGs Sustainability Award to collect innovative perspectives internally and encourage employees to innovate and commit to SDGs. Since the start of the event in May 2020, a total of 36 submissions from nine sites were received, including the headquarters and factors in Changzhou, Shijie, Guangzhou, Changan, Beihai, Kaohsiung, Dongguan, and Zhonghe. Five internal supervisors complete a preliminary document review, and three outside professionals complete a written review. Finally, the executive officers, with the president at the front, perform an onsite presentation review, and select 10 winners/groups for recognition and NTD 1 million in total prize money.




